The great Indian democracy and their dilemmas

 India is one of the largest democracies in the world, with a population of over 1.3 billion people. The country gained independence from British rule in 1947 and adopted a democratic system of government, with a constitution that guarantees basic rights and freedoms to its citizens.


Despite its size and diversity, Indian democracy has been able to sustain itself for over seven decades, with regular elections and peaceful transfers of power. However, there are several dilemmas and challenges that continue to test the strength of Indian democracy.

There are several dilemmas facing Indian democracy, some of which include:


Caste-based politics: One of the biggest dilemmas facing Indian democracy is the prevalence of caste-based politics. Caste is a deeply ingrained social system in India, and politicians often use it as a means to garner votes. This has resulted in the marginalization of certain sections of society and has prevented the country from realizing its full potential.

Corruption: Corruption is another major dilemma facing Indian democracy. Corruption is pervasive at all levels of government, and it undermines the rule of law and erodes public trust in government institutions.


Communalism: Communalism refers to the practice of exploiting religious differences for political gain. This is a major dilemma facing Indian democracy, and it has led to communal violence and the marginalization of certain religious communities.


Poverty and inequality: Despite economic growth over the past few decades, poverty and inequality remain major dilemmas facing Indian democracy. Millions of people in India still live in poverty, and the gap between the rich and poor continues to widen.

Lack of access to education and healthcare: Access to education and healthcare is a major dilemma facing Indian democracy. While the government has made efforts to improve access to these services, there is still a long way to go to ensure that all citizens have access to quality education and healthcare.

Moreover, Indian democracy has a robust and free press, with a diverse range of media outlets that provide a platform for public debate and discussion. Social media has also emerged as a powerful tool for citizen engagement and activism.


In conclusion, Indian democracy faces significant dilemma & challenges, but it has also made significant progress over the years. Addressing these challenges requires a concerted effort from government, civil society, and citizens. It will require a commitment to democratic values, an emphasis on transparency and accountability, and a focus on inclusive development that benefits all citizens, regardless of caste, religion, or socioeconomic status.


                                                                                                                - A.K SHARMA

Critically analyzing the removal of Mughal Empire from NCERT textbook


The NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training) is responsible for developing and publishing textbooks for schools in India. The textbooks are designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of various subjects. However, there has been a growing demand to remove the Mughals chapter from NCERT books due to its controversial nature.





While the Mughal Empire played a significant role in shaping India's history, its chapter in the NCERT textbooks has been criticized for being biased and promoting a certain ideology. There are several reasons why the Mughals chapter should be removed from NCERT textbooks, and in this article, we will discuss them in detail.



The Mughals chapter is biased towards a particular community. It portrays the Mughals as heroic rulers who brought prosperity to India, while neglecting their atrocities and excesses. For example, the textbooks fail to mention the forced conversions, mass killings, and destruction of Hindu temples by Mughal rulers. This one-sided portrayal of the Mughals is not only misleading but also promotes communalism.


The Mughals chapter in NCERT books is not historically accurate. The textbooks often present events and people in a distorted manner, which is not reflective of the actual facts. For instance, the textbooks describe the Mughal rulers as great patrons of the arts, while ignoring the fact that they were also responsible for the decline of traditional Indian crafts and industries. Such inaccuracies not only misinform the students but also undermine the credibility of the textbooks.

Mughals in NCERT books promotes a colonial perspective of Indian history. The textbooks often portray India as a passive recipient of foreign invasions and conquests, which is not only factually incorrect but also detrimental to the students' sense of national pride. By emphasizing the Mughals' influence on Indian history, the textbooks downplay the contributions of indigenous rulers and dynasties, who played an equally important role in shaping India's history.



Even Mughals chapter in NCERT books can be a trigger for communal tensions. The portrayal of the Mughals as heroic rulers who brought prosperity to India can create a sense of superiority among certain communities and resentment among others. In a diverse country like India, it is essential to promote a balanced and inclusive approach to history, which celebrates the diversity and richness of our cultural heritage.

In conclusion, the removal of the Mughals chapter from NCERT books is a necessary step towards promoting an accurate, unbiased, and inclusive approach to history. By removing this chapter, we can ensure that the textbooks reflect the true spirit of India's history, celebrate its diversity, and promote a sense of national pride among our students.

The great Indian democracy and their dilemmas

  India is one of the largest democracies in the world, with a population of over 1.3 billion people. The country gained independence from B...